Zapier Integration for Website Sustainability Testing
This Zapier integration will test a website's sustainability and provide scores and recommendations for improvement.
App: Webhooks by Zapier
Event: Catch Hook
App: Custom Code by Zapier
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The trigger uses the "Webhooks by Zapier" app to capture the website URL from the user.
The action uses the "Custom Code by Zapier" app to execute Python code that performs the following tasks:
Sends a GET request to the sustainability testing API with the website URL as a parameter.
Parses the JSON response from the API.
Extracts the sustainability score and recommendations.
Creates an output message with the scores and recommendations.
Returns the output message as the Zap's output data.
Additional Notes:
Replace with the actual API endpoint for your sustainability testing service.
This code assumes the API returns a JSON response with the following structure:
You can customize the output message format to your liking.
You can add additional actions to the Zap to perform further tasks based on the sustainability score and recommendations, such as sending an email notification or creating a task in a project management tool.
This code is an example and may require modifications depending on the specific API you are using and your desired functionality. Please refer to the documentation for your chosen sustainability testing service.
Last updated